1st Number is the Percentage | 2nd Number | Answer |
0.00 | ||
Example: 7% of 2840 is what? |
Number | Population | Answer |
0.00 | ||
Example: What is the Per Capita infection rate of COVID-19? It's commonly used in statistics, economics, and business to report an average per person. It tells you how a country, state, or city affects its residents. |
For example you can use this tool to find the unemployment rate or murder rate.
1st Smaller Number | 2nd Larger Number | Percentage |
0.00 % | ||
Here are some All time crime statistics Here are some 2017 FBI crime statistics 2013 FBI murder statistics by rac 2017 FBI murder statistics by race P.S. You would not think so listening to the news, but according to the statistics we are living in a safer United States today (2014) than in history. in 1960 you had a 0.0051 % chance to be murdered. in 1990 you had a 0.0094 % chance to be murdered. in 2014 you had a 0.0045 % chance to be murdered. 2014 was slightly safer than 1960 and about twice as safe compared to 1990. |
For example this tool can be used to find the decrease in sales or decrease in murder rates.
1st Larger Number | 2nd Smaller Number | Percentage |
0.00 % decrease |
This tool can be used to see the ratio of the Social Security Covered Workers to Beneficiaries.
(Find official numbers to use here.)
1st (larger) Number (Covered Workers) | 2nd (smaller) Number (Beneficiaries) | Percentage |
1:0.00 |
P.S. Covered Workers are people actually paying into Social Security and the Beneficiaries are people getting paid by Social Security.
This tool can be used to play with different tax rates to try and find a best case scenario.
(View 2011 tax rates.) (2011 U.S. GDP was $15 Trillion) (2012 U.S. National Debt was $16.5 Trillion)
1st tax bracket
(2012 rate is 10%)
Tax Percentage
Number of people
Income up to $8,700
2nd tax bracket
(2012 rate is 15%)
Tax Percentage
Number of people
Income between $8,800 - $35,350
3rd tax bracket
(2012 rate is 25%)
Tax Percentage
Number of people
Income between $35,360 - $85,650
4th tax bracket
(2012 rate is 28%)
Tax Percentage
Number of people
Income between $85,660 - $178,650
5th tax bracket
(2012 rate is 33%)
Tax Percentage
Number of people
Income between $178,750 - $388,350
6th tax bracket
(2012 rate is 35%)
Tax Percentage
Number of people
Income of $388,360+